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Resources - Article: Perform At Your Peak--Complete the Past
by Phoenix Lynn Marks - The Messenger
Coach, Speaker, Author

You have more "natural energy" when you are complete. Being complete is fundamental to building and sustaining your personal effectiveness. It is possible to be complete in all aspects of your life--environment, well-being, finances and relationships.

Incomplete is being unresolved. It drains you of qualities that contribute to performing at your best. Peak performer characteristics are strained to varying degrees when you are incomplete, including: peace of mind, energy, vitality, inner strength, self-command and sense of wholeness.

You can be finished or over something, like a relationship, yet still be incomplete. It is "still on your mind" and, therefore, it limits your personal and professional effectiveness.

You know--that remark your spouse, close friend, partner or colleague said. You laughed it off, or left the house or office, rather than say what was really on your mind and in your heart. One of two days pass and you are still replaying what was said and what you wish you had said. Eventually, you rationalize it's not that important, it doesn't matter, any way. Than you tell yourself it's over and "stuff" your words and feelings deep inside. But life is funny. That situation or something like it continues to be repeated with that person or someone else until you get complete.

You can recognize when you are incomplete with someone or something by key emotional responses, including: remorse, embarrassment, anger, denial and continuous sadness. The fastest means to increase your sustainable energy, enhance clarity of focus and achieve inner peace is to be complete. Being complete is taking the action and/or having the conversation.

When you are complete with the past--what you did, didn't do, should have done, did poorly or wrong--you are empowered to:
*Feel unconditionally free regarding what you've done, yet responsible for it all.

  • Be and fully express yourself, as you are today. No drama. No proving. No excuses.
  • Clearly focus on priorities. You can set goals and attain them almost effortlessly. You are in the flow.   
    It's Your Time
    Now it's your time to be complete. Make a list of at least 10 things and/or people you are incomplete with in each of the following areas of your life.
  • Environment--such as office, home, car , boat;
  • Well-being--such as weight, hair, teeth, having something enjoyable to do each evening;
  • Finances--such as currently saving at least six months' living expenses, on financial independence track; and
  • Relationships--such as spouse, parents, colleagues, clients, staff.
    Start working down these lists and start doing complete work with your current tasks, actions and conversations. Life is too short to let anything or anyone hold you back from being all of who you really are.

©2001 Phoenix Lynn Marks, Published in MD News, Realtor News

We offer this article on a non-exclusive basis. You may reprint or repost this material as long as Phoenix Lynn Marks’ name, copyright and contact information are included.

© 2005 Phoenix Lynn Marks, known as the SpiritDiva, is an intuitive coach who writes and speaks on understanding the messages of life to realize our full potential. She is the author of Messages from God®, Strategies for Your Personal Success and The Gift of Change.

For private sessions or to subscribe to her newsletter contact
spiritdiva@bellsouth.net | www.MessagesFromGod.com

Message From God...
Be a no limit person by reading a delightful - Absorbing book on how to maximize your full potential.

Mark Victor Hansen

Client's Saying...
Visualize and actually achieve your professional goals by getting over the obstacles that mentally and physically get in your way.

Alicia Jansen

Bible Speaking...
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

Matthew 7:7

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Messages from God is a Registered Trademark of Phoenix Lynn S. Marks